Oleh: Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi 2021

Ilustrasi: Yaslinda Utari Kasim

Actually, I already understand what feelings are in you
You’re always trying to give me a sign but you still have doubts about me
But I always try to protect you from things that traumatize you

If God gives me the opportunity to continue
to be with you in my old age, believe me
I will give you happiness that you may rarely find in men before

Believe me, I have changed completely
since the first time I hurt you
and made you not trust me anymore.

And I’ve also killed the old version of myself
In the future if you are with someone else on your wedding day
please don’t invite me to come

because I don’t want you to remember our past
and I don’t want your partner to feel uncomfortable with my presence
(because I understand what your future husband feels)

And maybe since then, I have begged God not to be reunited with you
either in this world or the hereafter
And may God also judge all for what I did in the past


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